Association of Postproduction Artists round table: The creative aspect of editing cinematic images

SATURDAY, 21. 9. (14.30–16.00) GREEN HALL


At its heart, film is an audiovisual medium. To communicate a story, it conveys its visual side through cinematic images, while sound can be an acoustic equivalent of the image.

Cinema gives everyone a chance to dream and freely express their dreams. In the process, editing syntax is key, being more than just mechanical assembly of images. This is a creative practice that wraps up the process of making a film.

The importance of visual and acoustic images and of the process of piecing them together will be discussed with professionals in the field: painter and visual artist Robert Černelč, musician and film score composer Janez Dovč, and celebrated, award-winning film editor Miloš Kalusek. The three of them are currently working on a project together and will share some exclusive details of this valuable experience.

Chaired by film and TV editor Olga Toni.

The Association of Postproduction Artists (DPPU) is the only trade association in Slovenia that brings together and represents postproduction artists engaging in picture and sound editing, sound recording and design, and image processing.

In Slovenian.