MORE VISIBILITY AND VOICE?: Round table on the presence/absence of cinema in Slovenian media landscape

MORE VISIBILITY AND VOICE?: Round table on the presence/absence of cinema in Slovenian media landscape

Live streaming on the FSF website. In Slovenian 

An overabundance of information is a widespread phenomenon, and despite the profusion of channels to reach one’s audience, it seems to go hand in hand with the ubiquity of the fleeting, instant, and superficial. Quality takes time, and time takes money. The best way to help cinema and film criticism is to steadily produce informed, high-quality content. Through theory and practice, the round table will look into how cinema as a complex phenomenon, which requires reflection in addition to creativity, can be popularised and made accessible to general public, and how (higher) quality media content can help raise the level of film culture in Slovenia. The discussion with representatives of the media and writers on film will be chaired by Peter Žargi, a film critic and member of the editorial board of Ekran.
The event is a collaboration between FSF Portorož, Ekran Magazine, and the Slovenian section of Fipresci.

12/10/2021 – 14:30

Green Hall

Industry events

12.10.2021 at 14:30