WEDNESDAY 13/10 at 23.00

DJ Brane Rončel
DJ + concert selection
Brane Rončel
Production: BR/FSF
THURSDAY 14/10 at 23:00

Lovro Ravbar & Get On Board Collective
Lovro Ravbar refuses to have his perception of music girded by strict stylistic rules. Rather than a narrow one-way path he understands it as a wide-open plane. Since the release of the album Get On Board in 2017, his eight-man band has been feeding the audience with large doses of rhythm, lavish harmonies, and excellent solos.
FRIDAY 15/10 at 23:30

Kenny ‘Blues Boss’ Wayne
The 77-year-old Kenny Wayne is a pianist, singer, and songwriter known as the master of classical boogie woogie, old blues, swing, and jazz of New Orleans. In a career that spans decades, Wayne has played with musicians ranging from jazz, Latin jazz (Latin Jazz Prophets), rock (Delaney & Bonnie), R&B, and soul (Delaney & Bonnie). The band he took on his European tour this autumn includes Russell Jackson, a long-standing bass player with the King of Blues, B.B. King.
SATURDAY 16/10 at 23:30

The Dreams
The Dreams, the best Slovenian jam band, were formed in late 2011. While Southern rock and blues are not broad enough categories to describe the genre of this seven-man band, they do provide a solid basis for live improvisation, a staple at their gigs. What drove The Dreams to start the band, and still drives them today, is a desire to explore the wealth of dynamic music riddled with improvisation, and to keep the flow of positive energy between musicians and audience.