Audience Award

Every year, FSF Portorož also gives out the Vesna Award for the best Slovenian feature film as chosen by the audience. The award is decided by the public by voting at all the venues where the films in competition are screened. Upon entering the auditorium, the audience receives a ballot paper with a score from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest. They vote by clearly marking the rating they have chosen and, when the screening is over, by placing the ballot paper in the ballot box on their way out of the theatre. Any ballot paper which does not clearly indicate the voter’s preference is invalid.

A three-member jury appointed by the festival director (this year consisting of Kristina Ravnikar as the chairperson and members Špela Barlič and Janko Čretnik) counts the ballot papers and calculates an average score for each film. At least 50 valid ballots must be cast for a film to be eligible for the Audience Award, and the winning film is the one with the highest average score, calculated to two decimal places. In the event of a tie, all films with the same rating will receive the prize.

The following films are in competition for the 27th FSF Audience Award:


Official Competition Programme

  • 2 BRATA, 2 SESTRI (TWO BROTHERS, TWO SISTERS) / Miha Čelar / 81’15” / 24 Oct at 15:30, Magazin Grando
  • ALI JE BILO KAJ AVANTGARDNEGA? (ALPE-ADRIA UNDERGROUND) / Matevž Jerman / 98’05” / 25 Oct at 16:15, Magazin Grando
  • CENT’ANNI / Maja Doroteja Prelog / 87’01” / 22 Oct at 19:00, Avditorij
  • ČAO BELA (CIAO BELA) / Jani Sever / 94’28” / 25 Oct at 21:30, Avditorij
  • IGRIŠČA NE DAMO (BLOCK 5) / Klemen Dvornik / 97’29” / 24 Oct at 18:45, Avditorij
  • KINO VOLTA (THE VOLTA CINEMA) / Martin Turk / 85’01” / 25 Oct at 15:30, Aditorij
  • NEKOČ V POSOČJU (ONCE UPON A TIME IN SOČA VALLEY) / Ema Kugler / 89’45” / 24 Oct at 16:15, Avditorij
  • ODREŠITEV ZA ZAČETNIKE (FAMILY THERAPY) / Sonja Prosenc / 122’16” / 23 Oct at 19:00, Avditorij
  • PRASLOVAN / Slobodan Maksimović / 112’20” / 25 Oct at 18:45, Avditorij
  • TARTINIJEV KLJUČ (TARTINI’S KEY) / Vinci Vogue Anžlovar / 114’40” / 25 Oct at 19:00, Magazin Grando
  • TO JE ROP (THIS IS A ROBBERY) / Gregor Andolšek / 81’03” / 26 Oct at 19:00, Avditorij
  • V TIŠINI ŽIVLJENJA (THE SILENCE OF LIFE) / Nina Blažin / 87’23” / 26 Oct at 16:45, Magazin Grando
  • ZAJETI V IZVIRU – SLOVENSKI OTROCI LEBENSBORNA (SNATCHED FROM THE SOURCE) / Maja Weiss / 79’37” / 24 Oct at 21:15, Avditorij