Cinema Euro for film students

It has now been established practice at FSF Portorož to pay a token surcharge of €1, the so-called ‘cinema euro’, on every ticket collected. This is to help provide festival accommodation for art school students (of the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film, and Television; Academy of Fine Arts and Design, both Ljubljana, and the School of Arts, Nova Gorica), for which the festival is part of the study process. The cinema euro is included in the ticket price and is also payable upon collection of previously free-of-charge tickets for accredited delegates, students, as well as residents of the Piran municipality and invitees to the opening and closing ceremonies. Despite the general price increase and the fact that this contribution cannot fully cover the students’ accommodation costs, we have decided to keep the cinema euro at €1. Also, the Slovene Animated Film Association (DSAF) has come to our aid by covering the accommodation costs for 20 students and Federation of Slovenian Filmmakers’ Associations (ZDSFU) will cover accommodation for another 15 students, for which we would like to thank them from the bottom of our hearts! In total, we will host 115 students this year.