Fritz Hock revealed as 2024 Guest of Honour

Joining the festival this year as a ‘Friend of Slovenian Cinema’ is Fritz Hock, a connoisseur and ally of Slovenian cinema, and the founder and director of K3 Film Festival in Villach, Austria. With a focus on three neighbouring regions: Slovenia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Northern Italy), and Carinthia (Southern Austria), K3 showcases short and feature-length films in its Official Competition alongside special screenings to reflect the diverse filmmaking of these cultures, paving the way for exchange and cross-regional cooperation. “Whats most important is that we get things moving between Austria and Slovenia. Its time to harvest the fruits of these two small but great countries, to nurture our shared history, and to pragmatically leverage each others strengths and geographic positions. Together, we can open doors to both the South and the North. Theres so much to discover along the border between Slovenia and Austria, and I believe that co-produced films can become the third aspect that unites us—creatively, culturally, and practically,” said Hock in his contribution to the 27th FSF Portorož catalogue.

One of the aspects of Slovenian cinema Fritz Hock has always admired is its strong political and social consciousness: “Slovenians have a unique ability to uncover the political dimensions in both grand narratives and the small, subtle gestures of daily life. Whether its a feature film or an unsettling moment in a short, Slovenian cinema is inherently political. Its roots lie in the underground, where it maintains its independence and strength. However, theres a delicate balance to maintain – too much exposure to the mainstream risks diluting that underground spirit, turning something subtle into something overdone.”

The 2024 K3 Film Festival runs from 4 to 8 December, with a focus on Austrian-Slovenian production initiatives. A meeting on Slovenian-Austrian co-productions is also one of the industry events at the upcoming FSF Portorož. Organised in collaboration with the Slovenian Film Centre and industry organisations, this is our way of contributing to good film relations between Slovenia and Austria.